As Valentine's Day approaches here's a fascinating origin story for the most romantic day of the year.
Did you know that this romantic holiday actually has its roots in ancient Roman times?
That's right! The ancient Romans celebrated a festival called Lupocalia which was held on February 15th.
This festival was all about fertility and purification and it was believed that the god of fertility Faunes would visit the city during this time.
Now let's fast forward to the 5th century.
As Christianity proliferated, the Lupocalia festival was outlawed.
Pope Gelasius decided to replace Lupocalia with a Celebration of their own February 14th was declared as a holy day dedicated to Saint Valentine, a priest who was martyred for his faith.
And thus Valentine's Day was born
So there you have it.
The origins of Valentine's Day are more intriguing than you might have thought
I hope you enjoyed this little taste of history.
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